no: house; yes: mods

ESO: The most gorgeous house (in my opinion) they’ve released so far, is currently available for a short period of time. I absolutely love it, from the fact that the whole space is outdoors, there is a complete ship and a shipwrecked half-ship to live in plus ruins and nooks.  Most importantly there is plenty…

2014: the year of Elders Scrolls & Dragon Age

Well for the first three months of the year, all I could think about was Elder Scrolls.  Even to the extent of starting very enjoyable replays / noodling around of Morrowind, Oblivion & Skyrim.  I love this world so much – the freedom and exploration, the sneaking and thieving, killing things with a bow…  Finally, Elder Scrolls Online…

crappy town(s) where you’re the hero

A while back I was reading the news that the Firefly Online Big Damn Hero package will entitle you to have an adventure in said crappy town and earn a statue of yourself.  I loved that episode… but it got me to thinking.  In all the games I’ve played, I’ve been the hero in many…

My character(s)

Post 16 of blaugust My main character is always a wood elf.  She is always a rogue type, either ranged or dual wielding. assuming of course the game gives you these choices.   For a RPG type game, I won’t play it at all if I don’t have at least have a gender choice.  I’ve got…

Elder Scrolls Lorebites

Short introductory posts to the lore of Elder Scrolls, links to further information are provided. Why do I start as a prisoner? What are the Elder Scrolls? Nirnroots the Moons M’aiq the Liar Birthsigns and Stones Further Reading

Replaying Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

When this was originally released (back in 2006) I was so excited.  Dimzad was excited.  It had been 4 long years since Morrowind and 10 years since Daggerfall…  We were more than excited really… we bought new PCs so that we could enjoy the sublime graphics and they were well worth it.  That view when…