#lotro A Proper Party!

My Kin, Onodrimmoot, had a social event on Saturday evening. We have a neighbourhood in the Lyndelby housing area, and we met there to fish and tour homes. It was fun! It’s definitely more fun fishing with friends, and we thinking of perhaps having another fishing event but this time touring Middle Earth. I decided…

Dwarven Architecture ~ Revisited

Notes: The inspiration for Modern Fantasy Dwarves A few years ago, I put together a very quick series of photographs of Dwarven Architecture across various games. I had noticed that there seems to be a generally agreed style of dwarven architecture across different fantasy worlds, which I suspect traces back to The Lord of the…

Happy 15th Anniversary, #lotro!

I haven’t played for the full 15 years, I started playing about 2.5 years later. Even so, it’s a long time to be playing a game! I haven’t played solidly in all that time but at least 6 months out of the year I’m in lotro. I thought I’d post a picture and a link…

#lotro Elven Settlements #1

NB Imladris is also known as Rivendell. These are the main settlements present in the Lord of the Rings Online, and the ones explored in the books. In lotro there are some small villages of elves to be found as well, for example, Lin Giliath in the North Downs and Loeglond in Eryn Lasgalen (formerly…

#lotro Treebeard highlights (so far!)

It will soon be time to say goodbye to the level cap of 50, as the Mines of Moria expansion will be released on Treebeard on the 5th January. I am looking forward to new areas but also wondering where the time went – my alts aren’t quite in the state of readiness that I…

male or female character?

I’ve been thinking about the games I’ve played over the years, and it’s the games that allow you to play a female character that really stick with me.  In fact, going slightly further, it’s games that allow you play a female AND don’t give you a pre-formed character (so games like The Witcher and Dragon…

#skyrim Alduin

I could have done with better conditions for these screenshots but… here we have Alduin in the midst of a heavy snowstorm at night. I was a bit unsure whether to post these as they are a bit dark, but I like them, especially the second image.