#lotro Rune-keeper outfit

I created this outfit after I got the Robe from Dar Narbugud last expansion. I really like the combination of colours on the robe and the Belegaer Blue dye matches really nicely. Head: Turquoise Summer CircletShoulders: Shoulderguards of the Northern SkyBack: Autumn Leafmail CloakUpperbody: Robe of the Lady’s ForesightFeet: Lasgalen Spring Dress BootsHands: Wordsmiths Gloves…

#lotro hunter outfit

It’s definitely more challenging creating an outfit on Treebeard, I keep looking for a staple item and we haven’t reached the right expansion yet! I have made some outfits using Shadow of Angmar and Moria appearance items, but I found this combination to be really nice for the Hunter. Head: N/AUpperbody: Soothing Waistcoast of the…

#lotro Armour Sets ~ Light (appearance)

As I’m playing on Treebeard, currently up to level 50 is shown.Barter using landscape or instance tokens (Tinnudir, Rivendell, Gath Forthnir, Iorelen’s Camp)All undyed. NB. Cosmetic versions of the Helegrod Armour (Rivendell) and the Rift Armour (Iorelen’s Camp) are available at the Cosmetics Skirmish Vendor (barter with marks and medallions)

#eso Necromancer Outfit

I wasn’t sure which way to go for an outfit for this character. I mean, she is a necromancer so the temptation is to go with one of the skull type outfits but I don’t think of her of as an evil necromancer as such. More that, she’s middle aged, she has a stupidly long…

#lotro barrows and festivals

I keep veering between racing* to 50 and a must do all the things, completionist playthrough on my main on Ithil (I switched servers in the end as that’s where my Kin ended up).  I’m currently trying out a compromise of getting all quest / exploration deeds done and slayer deeds at least the first…

#lotro hunter mirkwood outfit

I wanted an outfit for my Mirkwood elf for when she visits Felegoth, I wanted her to fit in and look like she belonged.  I’m not convinced I managed that but what I did manage was to basically recreate my Minstrel’s outfit… doh! anyway, I liked the shots so… Back: Cloak of the Wind-Singer (dyed…

#eso Thranduil inspired outfit

[all outfits] yeah… Anyone who reads this blog knows that I ♥ Middle Earth and Mirkwood in particular, so it’s perhaps not surprising that my High Elf in ESO started to get a slight Thranduil vibe going… So this was the inspiration pic: and this is my take on it in game (it really needs…

#eso outfit: sorcerer

This is quite similar to my outfit for my magicka sorc (in fact I have changed his to be more like this).  It’s quite expensive but I really love this style.   head: N/A chest: Ebonshadow Jerkin (M) 2,000g legs: Ebonshadow Breeches (M) 2,000g shoulders: Ebonheart Pauldrons (H) 500g feet: Ebonshadow Sabatons (H) 1,000g hands:…