#dragonage challenge (6)

  Day 26: Crack otp Haven’t considered this at all, so off the top of my head I guess Orsino and Meredith getting it on would be fairly crazy. Day 27: Best part of the games The characters.  The slow uncovering of the lore.  The artwork – especially the narrative cut scenes for Dragon Age…

#dragonage challenge (5)

21: Favourite villain this is a toughie…  Arl Howe was really good, possibly because he was voiced by Tim Curry.  He seemed like a proper old-school film villain.  So there’s him, but…  I also really liked Meredith.  She was great to hate, totally convinced she was on a just and holy path and it also turned out…

#dragonage challenge (4)

16: Your ultimate team for all games To be honest, in terms of skills they’re all pretty interchangeable.  In terms of personality, I have too many favourites to choose just 4.  It also depends on my mood.  So the short answer is that I don’t have one.  If I wrote a longer answer, it would…

#dragonage challenge (3)

11: Favourite song from the soundtracks I love the tavern songs in DA: Inquisition, this was one of my favourites 12: OTP hmm I never really worry or think about OTPs that much, I quite like the fact that there are many different alternate realities for the games I play, including different versions of my…

#dragonage challenge (2)

6: Your warden’s story She was a Dalish elf, who left with Duncan to become a Warden after she was infected with the darkspawn taint.  She sided with the Mages and recruited Wynne, she rescued Connor from the demon’s grasp with Morrigan’s help and found the ashes (without desecrating the Urn) and healed Arl Eamon. …

#dragonage challenge (1)

So this is a similar deal to the Skyrim challenge, I will answer the 30 day challenge 5 questions at a time, weekly.  The original post is here. Favourite Game Hmm, this is a difficult one.  I loved Origins because of all the origin stories, the storyline and the companions.  I also like the combat…