#lotro Treebeard Belfalas house

This is a short video of my Belfalas house on Treebeard. It is obviously a work in progress and will fill out as content is unlocked. I have blocked the side hallways in the first room and also blocked the two siderooms in the second room so that I can use those furniture slots elsewhere….

#Blaugust2022 ~ Day 24 ~ Rohan House

I really love this house, it has such a nice atmosphere. It can be made even more cosy with the ambient lighting system they introduced. This house is on Treebeard, so the decorations are obviously limited to the current level cap. I have closed off the basement and one downstairs side room, in order to…

#Blaugust2022 ~ day 23 ~ Belfalas House

My main house on Laurelin, it’s not finished (are they ever?!) but it is in a state that I am mostly happy with. I have closed off the upstairs and used those hooks in the rooms downstairs. It’s a bit messy as I haven’t found a satisfactory way of using the walls to hide the…

#Blaugust2022 ~ Day 3

I haven’t had much time to play today, but I did manage to play for a while. I ended up re-decorating my Belfalas house on Treebeard. I have closed off the 2 downstairs rooms and also the two sides of the entrance hall so that I could use the hooks in the main part of…

#eso housing ~ Snugpod

I put this house together a while back. It’s really just my free port to Elden Root but I decided to make an indoor, outdoor camp area… I’d been waiting for something to be released that would look something like the night sky so when they had the Celestial Nimbus for sale in the Crown…

#ESO ~Exorcised Coven Cottage

I worked on this cottage over the summer and wanted to transform it from the gloomy, unloved original appearance for my Necromancer. It still rains and has gloomy weather but I think it feels a lot more cheerful and cosy. I’m particularly pleased with the addition of a tucked away banking and merchant room, the…

#EQ2 Saraya’s house

If ever one thing is going to tempt me back, it’s the housing.  I still adore this house I made for my Inquisitor.

#eso housing: The Gorinir Estate

This house is kinda finished, as finished as an in-game house can be at least.  It is missing the crafting stations (in the kitchen and under the tree) as I’ve moved to Hunding’s Palatial Hall for now. Like Hunding’s I preferred to decorate the outside and I tried to make it look magical at night. …

#eso housing: hunding’s palatial hall

I’ve pretty much finished decorating Hunding’s Palatial Hall, there’s a couple of floating carpets and a missing hedge to sort out though. I have around 30 item slots left so I can still play around and add any new items in. I’ve basically ignored the house by blocking it off so you can only access…